Saturday, September 27, 2008


I have been officially diagnosed as having post concussive syndrome and the docs tell me that in three months the symptoms I have will resolve. I'm not convinced. Right now, I am having a difficult time coping with life. My counselor and my mom think that it would be good for me to stay with her until I am released to go back to work. I disagree, but don't know how clouded my judgement is right now. I just value my independence and living with mom at 38 is a difficult pill to swallow. I am haivng a hard time leaving my car in the driveway, but am complying so far.
Physically, the bruises have healed (the old ones anyway). I am unsteady at times and fall occasionally. My head and wrist still hurt a lot. My pain tolerance and frustration tolerance are quite low. My emotions are a roller coaster...usually negative. I get tired very easily and nap a lot. I can't deal with crowds...WalMart is not a good place for me. My memory is horrid - I forget conversations, have a hard time thinking of words sometimes, and my speech has slowed. I have to write things down or I forget them within minutes.
Add to this symptoms of PTSD - insomnia, flashbacks, hypervigilance, and panic attacks. All in all, this is not a good time for me. I am looking at being off work for 3 months and returning part time. I am terrified that I will be fired in the meantime, as we are an at-will employer and I am wtill within their probationary period.
Wish I had good news to report to you all. I can't drive. I can't use the stove or oven. I can't go hiking. I can't work. That's about it. I hate to be depressing, but that's reality right now...unfortunately!

1 comment:

Chris said...

That sounds a bit shit! Hope you're not feeling too bad
