Sunday, October 5, 2008

Better and Better

My mom is here and every day I feel a little bit better. I have quite a bit of memory loss from the time of the "incident" until a week ago...things are very spotty. But I think that's normal. Still not sleeping a lot or very well, so am constantly tired (exhausted). Head hurts still. But other symptoms are either MUCH better or gone altogether.

I am looking at going back to work three weeks from Monday. Not full time, but for maybe 20 hours a week to start.

I was looking around today and noticed how beautiful the fall colors are. I am still in no shape to go hiking, but plan on taking my mom for a drive in the mountains this week. It is gorgeous here!

Well, I am off to rest, but wanted to post another update. :o)


Evil Transport Lady said...

Glad to hear you are getting better. The memory may not come back, but keep moving forward, and keep getting better!

Anonymous said...

Hey, just discovered your blog and been reading to catch up. I'm glad you're feeling better, nothing like the good old mum around to take care of you!

Take care,